5 Lessons I Learnt During My Stay in Kampala, Uganda
Staying in Uganda for a week has exposed me to a fresh perspective towards people, in general.
The children showed us so much affection, which I’ve rarely seen in any of the places I’ve been to so far. And despite not having the luxury of so many things that a lot of us are normally exposed to, they are still so willingly & unconditionally ready to bless others with the little that they have. This, for me, is such an eye opener.
If there’s anything that I learnt from my stay in Uganda, it’s these:
⤳ A hug, a word of affirmation, or a simple act of kindness may seem so little, but we never know who needs it at that moment. Maybe that person is on the verge of giving up. But because of that hug, word of affirmation or kindness that you freely and genuinely gave, he/ she didn’t. It doesn’t cost us anything, so why do we hold it back as if it’s so expensive?
⤳ If you feel moved to do something or to share a word of blessing to someone, do it. Better do something silly now, than not do it and regret it later on.
⤳ Cliché, but everything does happen for a reason. I thought coming to Uganda would just be for the sake of it. But actually, if Uganda hadn’t happened, maybe I wouldn’t have met my mentor who guides me, listens to my non-stop talking without judgement and encourages me to constantly be the best version of myself every day.
⤳ Appreciate every single thing that you have right now - no matter how small or big it is. Because trust me, every little thing is a blessing. We were so grateful for the hospitality and all the food whilst in Uganda but, trust me, the moment I reached our home here in Dubai, I literally bursted into tears. I missed my mom & dad so much. I missed home cooked meals. I missed my cat. I missed my bed. I missed home.
⤳ Lastly, be open to being uncomfortable because in that moment of discomfort, you grow.